Parsons Pickles, Large Pickled Onions

Parsons Pickles, Large Pickled Onions - Secrets of Wales - A Welsh Secret - Parsons -

Parsons Pickles, Large Pickled Onions

Pris rheolaidd £2.80
Treth wedi'i chynnwys. /cy/policies/shipping-policy '>Cyfrifo'r cludo wrth y ddesg dalu.
  • Cyflenwi Cyflym
  • Taliadau diogel


Parsons Pickles, Large Pickled Onions in Malt Vinegar, 450g Jar

Discover the tangy delight of Parsons Pickles' large pickled onions, steeped in natural malt vinegar with a blend of herbs and spices. Perfect for a traditional Ploughman's Lunch or as a zesty addition to your favourite dishes.


  • Large pickled onions

  • Natural malt vinegar

  • Infused with herbs and spices

  • Ideal for Ploughman's Lunch

  • 450g jar


  • Adds a tangy flavour to meals

  • Versatile ingredient for various dishes

  • High-quality pickling process ensures great taste

Defnyddiwch dabiau cwympadwy i gael gwybodaeth fanylach a fydd yn helpu cwsmeriaid i wneud penderfyniad prynu.

E.e: Polisïau cludo a dychwelyd, canllawiau maint, a chwestiynau cyffredin eraill.

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