Infuse your home with the warm, inviting aromas of the festive season using Crwst’s Mulled Wine Mix. This blend combines carefully selected spices and sugar, designed to transform a standard bottle of red wine into a comforting mulled beverage. Simply add the mix to a pan with your chosen wine, optionally include half a cup of orange juice, and gently heat while stirring until the sugar dissolves. Allow the mixture to simmer on low heat for 20 minutes to let the spices infuse fully. Once ready, strain into heatproof glasses and serve immediately for a delightful winter treat.
Defnyddiwch dabiau cwympadwy i gael gwybodaeth fanylach a fydd yn helpu cwsmeriaid i wneud penderfyniad prynu.
E.e: Polisïau cludo a dychwelyd, canllawiau maint, a chwestiynau cyffredin eraill.