Llyfr Coginio Gwymon
Llyfr Coginio Gwymon
Pris rheolaidd£6.99
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- Cyflenwi Cyflym
- Taliadau diogel
Hardback | 48 pages | 150 x 150mm
Publication November 2016
The Seaweed Cookbook features one of the best-known ingredients in Welsh cooking: seaweed, most commonly recognised in its cooked form as laverbread. Along with recipes for traditional Welsh laverbread, there are also notes on the use of seaweed in modern cooking such as making a sauce for fish dishes and an accompaniment to Welsh lamb.
There are also notes on the origin of the recipes featured and traditional cooking methods, along with recipes inspired by cuisine from around the world. Laverbread is one of the best known traditional Welsh dishes and is preserved for the first time in this beautiful little cookbook.
There are an assortment of recipes included such as sushi and Pan Fried Scallops with Seaweed Sauce.
Defnyddiwch dabiau cwympadwy i gael gwybodaeth fanylach a fydd yn helpu cwsmeriaid i wneud penderfyniad prynu.
E.e: Polisïau cludo a dychwelyd, canllawiau maint, a chwestiynau cyffredin eraill.