Experience the ultimate pickling tradition with Parsons Pickles Selection, featuring two distinct and delicious variants to suit your culinary needs. Whether you crave the bold tang of large pickled onions or the sweetness of silverskin onions, each jar is steeped in natural malt vinegar and infused with a blend of herbs and spices for exceptional flavour.
• Large Pickled Onions: Tangy and bold, these large onions are infused with malt vinegar and a special blend of herbs and spices. Perfect for a traditional Ploughman’s Lunch or as a zesty addition to your meals. Comes in a 450g jar.
• Sweet Silverskin Onions: Delicately sweet and tangy, these silverskin onions are steeped in malt vinegar with a touch of sugar and spices. Ideal for enhancing a variety of dishes and snack platters.
Both variants offer exceptional quality and flavour, crafted using a high-quality pickling process. Elevate your snack time, add a burst of flavour to your meals, or create a traditional Ploughman’s platter with this versatile selection from Parsons Pickles.
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E.e: Polisïau cludo a dychwelyd, canllawiau maint, a chwestiynau cyffredin eraill.