Experience the vibrant flavours of Tropical Teaser Chilli Sauce. This sauce combines the sweetness of mango, the tang of lime, and the heat of habanero chillies, with a hint of cumin for a unique taste. Perfect for adding a fruity lift to pizza bases, stir-fries, or as a dipping sauce. Suitable for vegans, this sauce is a versatile addition to any meal.
Defnyddiwch dabiau cwympadwy i gael gwybodaeth fanylach a fydd yn helpu cwsmeriaid i wneud penderfyniad prynu.
E.e: Polisïau cludo a dychwelyd, canllawiau maint, a chwestiynau cyffredin eraill.
Efallai y byddwch hefyd yn hoffi
Mwy gan A Welsh Secret
Mwy gan Bwyd a Diod